so we're on to day 2 of blogapalooza. I thought I might write about some of my favorite things tonight. I think that if I tell you a bit about the stuff I love, you might get a better flavor for me as a person (does that even make sense? probably not. where's that wine?)..
I don't know if I even really believe in favorites. I've never been a 'favorite' or a 'best' kinda girl. I never understood the concept of a 'best friend',for example.. I never really had a 'best friend'. I love all my friends. My motto has always been, you want to be my friend? fab. you don't? it's a million minus one, sweetheart. Move on. I don't lose sleep. Same thing with food. Do I have a favorite food? Not really. I love all food - ok.. organ meat, notsomuch. Unless you're talking about the chopped liver from Snowdon Deli... in which case, I'll make an exception (don't be grossed out.. slap that puppy on some dark rye and top with some caramelized onions and it'll change your life. really.).
I remember that as a kid growing up, whenever it was our birthday, my sisters and I (I have two - who are both older than me(lies.)) got to choose anything in the world we wanted for supper. My choice was always cold cuts. really.of anything in the world... I could have had chinese takeout, even! (chinese takeout was the fancy take out.. way more fancy than ordering pizza). I wanted fresh sliced cold cuts. I'm not a complicated girl.
Favorite pasta? Linguine... or spaghetti... I'm a twirler. Love the twirl. That being said... I'm pretty sure angels cry whenever people cut their spaghetti. If you're not going to twirl it, please order something else.
Favorite wine? (wait - I drink wine???) Wet.
Favorite Holiday? Christmas. I'm obnoxious about Christmas. It is my absolute most favorite time of year and there is nothing in the world that makes me happier than having an entire house full of people. This past Christmas my husband's whole family came down from 'The North' to visit. There were 12 people in my house and I loved every single second of it. .... my husband, meanwhile, may have broken out in to hives.. not entirely sure. I wasn't paying attention.
My parent's house was always the party house. Most Holiday's were at our place. My mom got that from my grandmother. My maternal grandmother was a party animal. Nonna Kitty (Katerina) could rock it like nobody's business. Her favorite song was 'Just a Gigalo'. I can't even tell you how many times that woman would be the only one on the dance floor busting moves to that song. So, I guess being the hostess with the mostest is in my genes.
I can tell you that starting up linacucina is directly related to this. Hosting people and feeding them and having a part in making memories for them. That, is definitely my favorite.
Awesome. Fun to read. Looking forward to reading more