Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do People Really Use an Egg Slicer to slice Strawberries?

Does that happen in real life?
I recently saw a commercial on Entertainment Tonight BBC News or maybe it was an article in Cosmo The Wall Street Journal or probably Us Weekly The New England Journal Of Medicine or something... it was an ad showing how you could supposedly make your life easier by using an egg slicer to slice your strawberries. Are we doing this, you guys?  I don't think I know anyone who even owns an egg slicer to begin with . Is this task that hard?
I'm a little bit fascinated by kitchen gadgets. In general, I'm not a fan. Not because I don't think that some of them are useful. It mostly boils down to laziness. Is the time saved using this gadget worth me having to then wash this gadget and it's itty bitty parts and wires and little holes. I'm not a fan of dishes more than I'm not a fan of gadgets. 
I do own a garlic press, I won't lie. It's a really nice garlic press. I used to use it all the time.. back when I thought I needed to press garlic. I've grown since then, you guys.
Buy yourself a chef's knife. Spend a lot of money on it and get a good one because it'll really be the only thing you'll need for most tasks. A good knife will change everything. Really.
There are some gadgets which are quite useful, though, and I probably couldn't live without them. Favorite gadget? This thing.
It probably has a name, but I can't remember what it was. It's a peeler that Julienne's as I peel. I'm not fancy enough or have enough patience to julienne properly, so I use this thing.

My other favorite gadget, is this.
I love it because it's Bakelite and it's vintage and I collect vintage & antique kitchen stuff. It's incredibly awkward and not really efficient, so I never use it. Once in a while when I'm feeling nostalgic I'll bust it out and make some pudding with it. My mom had one when we were kids and that was my job when I was little. Now that I'm 25 (I'm not 25) I'm no better at keeping the pudding in the bowl and not all over my kitchen counter. I still love it.
What's your favorite gadget?


  1. haha, I hate kitchen gadgets specifically because of having to wash the tiny parts. lol. My Mom, however absolutely loves them to the point of having a kitchen overflowing with them and yes, she uses them too. Different strokes I guess.

  2. The banana slicer is probably my favorite kitchen gadget. Not because I have one, or think that it's at all necessary in life, but because the reviews on Amazon are hysterical:
