Monday, March 11, 2013

Getting Married and Hating Cake

It makes me a little bit sad to think about it, but there are actually folks out there who hate cake. Can you believe it?! It's like the people who hate chocolate. Or ponies. How does that even happen? It happens. And it's ok. I promise I won't take it personally.
More often than you'd think, I get a call from a couple wanting to know about my wedding cakes and almost in the same breath they'll tell me that they don't actually like cake, but they need one because they're getting married. Why? Who says?
I did a little digging about where all this cake business comes from. What's the symbolism? WELL... according to Wiki, back in the day the Romans (...and we all know how the Romans can get..) used unsweetened barley bread. The groom would break a piece of bread in half over the bride's head (really? crumbs in the hair? are we happy about this?) symbolizing "breaking of the bride's virginal state and the subsequent dominance of the groom over her". ....oh laaaawd. First of all I was barely able to type this because I was giving the side eye to that dominant Roman.
Later on, the barley bread (yum?) was replaced by white wedding cakes which, again, symbolized the bride's purity.
In 2013, are we still thinking the cake is symbolic? Notsomuch. These days the cake is not much more than 1. a showpiece and 2. a dessert.
If you're looking for a showpiece and a dessert, cake is not your only option. I know I've said this often, but it's your day and you should do what you want. If you don't like cake... and if your family knows you don't like cake.. why on earth would you want a cake at your wedding? Do something else. I'm doing more and more weddings where couples are opting for cobbler, or an assortment of pies or pastries. I've even had some do cookies. I've even had some not do anything sweet at all! I've done focaccia, cheese and fruit tables.
There are so many options available for all you Cakey Go-Hately's out there. Don't be afraid to switch it up!

Pastry Selection

Chevre Stuffed Strawberries

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